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Gastritis in Dogs Symptoms & Treatment

Gastritis in Dogs
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Gastritis in dogs is a condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining, also known as the gastric mucosa. It can affect dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes. Gastritis can occur as an acute (sudden and short-term) or chronic (persistent and long-term) condition, with varying causes and symptoms.

Gastritis in dogs can range from mild to severe, and prompt veterinary attention is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. With proper care and treatment, most dogs can recover from gastritis and regain their normal gastrointestinal health.

What is Gastritis in Dogs?

Gastritis in dogs refers to the inflammation of the stomach lining. The stomach lining, also known as the gastric mucosa, plays a vital role in the digestion process by producing stomach acid, enzymes, and mucus. It acts as a protective barrier between the stomach and its acidic contents.

When the stomach lining becomes irritated or damaged, it can lead to gastritis. This inflammation can occur suddenly and last for a short period, known as acute gastritis, or it can persist over an extended period, known as chronic gastritis.

Gastritis in dogs can have various underlying causes. It can be triggered by dietary factors, such as consuming spoiled or contaminated food, abrupt changes in diet, or food sensitivities. Medications, including certain painkillers or corticosteroids, can also contribute to gastric irritation and inflammation. Infections, such as bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, can lead to gastritis as well.

Also, dogs experiencing stress, anxiety, or excessive excitement may develop gastritis due to increased stomach acid production. Underlying health conditions like kidney disease, liver disease, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or cancer can also make dogs more susceptible to gastritis. Trauma to the abdomen or recent surgical procedures involving the stomach or digestive system can cause gastritis as well.

The inflammation associated with gastritis can disrupt the normal functioning of the stomach, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea or changes in stool consistency, weight loss, and dehydration. The severity and duration of symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause and the stage of gastritis.

Gastritis in Dogs Symptoms

Gastritis in dogs can manifest through various symptoms, which may vary in severity and duration. Some common symptoms of gastritis in dogs include:

Vomiting: Dogs with gastritis often experience recurrent vomiting. The vomit may contain partially digested food, bile, or even blood. The frequency and severity of vomiting can vary depending on the underlying cause and the stage of gastritis.

Loss of Appetite: Gastritis can cause a decrease in appetite or a complete refusal to eat. Dogs may show disinterest in their regular food or exhibit selective eating, consuming only small amounts or specific types of food.

Abdominal Discomfort: Dogs with gastritis may exhibit signs of abdominal pain or discomfort. They may show restlessness, exhibit a hunched posture, or demonstrate sensitivity when the abdominal area is touched.

Diarrhea or Changes in Stool: Gastritis can lead to changes in the consistency and frequency of bowel movements. Dogs may experience diarrhea, which can be loose, watery, or contain mucus. In some cases, dogs may also show signs of constipation.

Weight Loss: Chronic gastritis can result in weight loss, as the dog’s reduced appetite and digestive disturbances can lead to inadequate nutrient absorption. Severe weight loss may be more evident in advanced or long-standing cases of gastritis.

Dehydration: Frequent vomiting and reduced fluid intake due to loss of appetite can lead to dehydration. Dogs may display signs of dehydration such as dry gums, sunken eyes, decreased skin elasticity, and lethargy.

Lethargy and Weakness: Dogs with gastritis may exhibit general lethargy, lack of energy, or weakness. They may be less active than usual and show decreased interest in their surroundings.

Blood in Vomit or Stool: In more severe cases of gastritis, there may be the presence of blood in the vomit or stool. This can range from subtle traces of blood to more significant amounts, indicating potential stomach or intestinal bleeding.

What Causes Gastritis in Dogs?

Gastritis in dogs can be caused by various factors, including:

Dietary Factors: A sudden change in diet, consuming spoiled or contaminated food, or ingesting foreign objects can irritate the stomach lining and lead to gastritis. Some dogs may also have specific food sensitivities or allergies that can trigger an inflammatory response in the stomach.

Medications and Toxins: Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids, can cause gastric irritation and inflammation in dogs. Additionally, ingestion of toxic substances, including household chemicals, plants, or human medications, can also result in gastritis.

Infections: Bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections can contribute to the development of gastritis in dogs. Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium commonly associated with gastric ulcers in humans, has also been implicated in some cases of canine gastritis.

Stress and Anxiety: Dogs experiencing stress, anxiety, or excessive excitement may develop gastritis as a result of increased stomach acid production and disrupted digestive processes.

Underlying Health Conditions: Dogs with certain underlying health conditions, such as kidney disease, liver disease, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or cancer, may be more prone to developing gastritis.

Trauma or Surgery: Physical trauma, such as blunt force to the abdomen, or recent surgical procedures involving the stomach or digestive system can cause inflammation and lead to gastritis.

Autoimmune Disorders: In some cases, the dog’s immune system mistakenly attacks the cells lining the stomach, resulting in autoimmune gastritis.

Gastritis in Dogs Treatment & Prevention

Gastritis occurs when the protective lining of the stomach becomes irritated or damaged, leading to inflammation. It can manifest in acute or chronic forms, with acute gastritis being sudden and short-term, while chronic gastritis persists over an extended period. Some common signs of gastritis in dogs include vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dehydration, and occasional blood in the vomit or feces.


When a dog presents with symptoms of gastritis, it is essential to consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination. The veterinarian will consider the dog’s medical history, conduct a physical examination, and may recommend diagnostic tests such as blood work, fecal examination, X-rays, ultrasound, or endoscopy to rule out other underlying conditions and confirm the diagnosis of gastritis.

Treatment of Gastritis in Dogs:

The treatment of gastritis in dogs aims to relieve symptoms, promote healing of the stomach lining, and address any underlying causes. Treatment options may include:

Dietary Management: This involves temporarily fasting the dog to rest the stomach, followed by the introduction of a bland and easily digestible diet. Specialized prescription diets formulated for gastrointestinal health may also be recommended.

Medications: Medications such as antacids (to reduce stomach acid), antiemetics (to control vomiting), and proton pump inhibitors (to reduce acid production) may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

Antibiotics: If an infection is suspected or confirmed, antibiotics may be prescribed to combat bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections.

Symptomatic Support: Additional supportive care may include fluid therapy to combat dehydration, probiotics to restore the balance of gut bacteria, and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.

Identification and Management of Underlying Causes: If an underlying cause is identified, such as food allergies, medication reactions, or underlying diseases, addressing and managing these factors is crucial to prevent gastritis recurrence.

Prevention of Gastritis in Dogs:

Preventing gastritis in dogs involves implementing certain measures:

Provide a balanced diet: Feed a high-quality diet appropriate for your dog’s age, size, and health condition. Avoid sudden diet changes and refrain from feeding fatty or spicy foods.

Avoid toxic substances: Keep harmful substances such as household chemicals, toxic plants, and medications out of your dog’s reach.

Minimize stress: Create a calm and safe environment for your dog, minimizing exposure to stressful situations that can contribute to gastritis.

Regular veterinary check-ups: Schedule routine veterinary visits to monitor your dog’s overall health and address any underlying health conditions promptly.


Gastritis in dogs can be a distressing condition, but with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment, most dogs can recover fully. A combination of dietary management, medications, and supportive care, along with identifying and addressing any underlying causes, can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. It is essential to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and to develop a tailored treatment plan for each individual dog. By providing the necessary care and attention, we can ensure our beloved canine companions lead a healthy and comfortable life free from the discomforts of gastritis.

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Image credit: Yandex.com

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